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Prostate Health

We always hear about womens health, men I've got you covered. The prostate is a chestnut-shaped organ no larger than a walnut. The prostate is a part muscular, part grandular organ that is located below the bladder, next to the rectum (Thanks A&P class) It surrounds the urethra, which is the tube that runs from the bladder to the tip of the penis.🍆 If the prostate becomes inflamed, it squeezes the urethra and bladder & kidney infections can occur. The prostate is directly relates to fertility. I learned this personally after speaking with a male urologist. This is because it produces and secretes semen, that is vital for sperm mobility. Signs of prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate) includes: Painful urination,...

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Food Labels can be Deceiving!

Funny how it says NO SUGAR ADDED, yet the label says 53 grams of sugar. When it comes to reading Nutritional labels, I've become a master.Now, I'm not trying to rain on anyones parade because 10 years ago, I too was caught up in thinking that I was doing my body a good deed by drinking these.I remember drinking one of these before a doctors appointment and my doctor informed me that my sugar was high. It scared the crap out of me! I still continued drinking them because they where advertised as healthy! It wasn't until I made a smoothie myself, that it hit me. My smoothies tasted nothing like this. My smoothies didn't taste nearly as sweet! I...

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How did/do you feel while pregnant?

Back in May... I would wake up every morning drink herbal tea and meditate, stretch, go to the gym and cook for myself. Now, that I'm pregnant its very hard for me to keep up with that lifestyle. I always love to be very transparent. For those of you who have been following me from the beginning... you've seen me lose 40 plus pounds, heal myself of IBS and leaky gut, transition to a plantbased lifestyle, overcome hormonal imbalance, battle infertility and become pregnant.I am 4 going on 5 months and I have more bad days than good days. Its totally worth it though! This pregnancy is humbling me for sure. My energy is so low, I cry over things...

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You may find this shocking

I am always talking about the importance of using natural products. After suffering hormonal imbalance personally I made it my business to be strict on what I use on my body and in my home. In Westernized teachings they make it seems as if the inside and outside of our body is not connected when it comes to certain things. Example: "Dont be around people who smoke but inhaling bleach when cleaning wont hurt"Breathing toxins and chemicals in causes respiratory issues, damages nerves, disrupts the endocrine system and more!Truth is what we put on our skin is absorbed through out pores into our blood stream and over time if you do not do proper cleanse and detox those toxins can...

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Amazing Glass

In 2013, I found out that when water bottles are left in heat chemicals can leach out into the water. I was so stunned by this information that I decided to find out more. The more I read the more concerned I became. So I took action! I tossed out all my plastic containers and went shopping for glass containers.When plastic is heated the chemicals leaches in our foods, then into our bodies. The chemicals are known as endocrine disrupters. This can totally throw off our hormones. If you don’t know the role of the endocrine system you should look on my page or Google it.I became drained. I was driving myself crazy and spending a lot of money trying...

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